Trump Implies That His Administration Will be Great for Child Sacrifice

It would be one thing if it was the left that was trying to divide pro-lifers in regards to their support for Trump over the issue of abortion, but it is Donald Trump himself that is causing his base to be divided on the issue. Many of his supporters are weakening their pro-life stance, at least their willingness to be outspoken on the issue. A few are remaining consistently pro-life, and now they’re being disparaged for it as if it will be their fault if Trump is not elected president. 

Trump recently posted on his social media platform on August 23, 2024 that “My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” Reproductive rights is a euphemism for child sacrifice. God hates child sacrifice whether or not democrats or republicans are the ones promoting it. Wrong is wrong, regardless of who advocates for it. 

Trump has criticized any limits on abortion that DeSantis was leading Florida towards and expressed approval for nationwide abortion pills. Trump said “The Supreme court just approved the abortion pill, and I agree with their decision to have done that.” When Roe vs. Wade was initially overturned by the Supreme Court, you could sense that he was fearful about the timing. It was apparent that he was afraid that it would potentially cost him the next election. He has since bragged about killing Roe vs. Wade, but not due to any true pro-life conviction, but simply because of a legal technicality of bringing the issue back to the states. Yet, when an old 1864 Arizona law was reenacted that banned abortion, Trump and Kari Lake criticized it as an outdated law and urged the state and democrat governor Katie Hobbs to have the law repealed. It was disingenuous and ironic to label it as an outdated law from 1864 when they both claim to support the United States constitution, which was ratified in 1788. When NBC News interviewed Eric Trump, they asked him if his father was moving to a moderate centrist position on abortion. Eric responded “My father has always been there on those issues. That’s reflective of my father and what he believes in… and my wife Lara who runs the RNC and what she believes in. At the end of the day, this country has holes in the roof, and you’ve got to fix those holes and stop worrying about the spot on the wall in the basement.” The Students for Life Action appropriately responded by saying “If anyone should understand firsthand how a culture of death that minimizes people’s humanity can lead to terrible consequences, it should be the Trump family…Republicans need to do better. If you can’t multitask and deal with mold in the basement and holes in the roof, don’t ask to take over the House and Senate and White House.

During the 2016 presidential election, I doubted if Trump would even govern as a conservative if he was elected. To my surprise he did, he kept the most promises I’ve ever seen any president do in my lifetime, and America prospered greatly until the covid fiasco of government shutdowns. Trump kept his promise to Christian evangelicals and the nation that he would appoint constitutionally conservative judges and fight for life. On January 24, 2020, President Trump declared:

It is my profound honor to be the first President in history to attend the March for Life. We're here for a very simple reason: to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential. For 47 years, Americans of all backgrounds have traveled from across the country to stand for life. And today, as President of the United States, I am truly proud to stand with you. All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.

So what happened since then? Was Trump not truly pro-life from the beginning as his son Eric implied? Were Christians and pastoral leaders easily deceived into believing Trump was pro-life? Or does Trump think he lost the 2020 election for vocally being pro-life? Did he state that his administration will be great for child sacrifice (“reproductive rights”) in order to get Robert F. Kennedy’s endorsement? Was it to get the endorsement of multi-millionaires and their donations? Is Trump for sale now?

Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was successful in large part because he spoke his mind regardless if it was politically correct or not. He didn’t care what his political opponents said about him, even when they were from his own party. He appears compromised now, giving up on victories that he already won. He’s acting like the Boy Scouts did when they won court after court case against the LGBTQ lobby (even obtaining victory in the United States Supreme Court), to then quickly give up their victories to the LGBTQ agenda. Trump has now cowered to leftist democrats by given up on his pro-life platform. 

Trump did not lose the 2020 election due to the republican party being too pro-life. It is generally agreed that there were large aspects of fraud, but even if the fraud wasn’t monumental enough to overturn the election results, various state’s elections being conducted illegally certainly was. Election rules were changed illegally without the legislature. This combined with Trump’s tendency to dish out immature childish insults, even to friends who support him but disagree with him on any one particular issue, is what I believe helped contribut to Trump losing the 2020 election. Trump may potentially lose the 2024 presidential election because he has abandoned the pro-life cause in favor of making multiple pro-choice statements. After putting himself in a hole earlier with pro-choice comments, he should have stopped digging. When you’re in a hole, don’t keep on digging! Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee accurately summarized Trump’s most recent pro-choice comments as “My administration will be indistinguishable from a Democrat’s.” Just as Trump has rightly called Kamala a copycat for using his policy proposal “No Tax On Tips,” he has copycatted Kamala’s policy of being pro-choice on abortion. 

I believe any new voters Trump gains by coming out as pro-choice will be so minimal compared to what he loses. There is practically no pro-choice person who is thinking “If Trump makes a public statement in support of abortion, then I will change my vote to be for him!” Rather, he risks losing multitudes of voters. He’s winning no one over and may lose enough that it matters. So whoever may be advising him that this is a political expedient switch are greatly mistaken. I can understand the argument that it would be politically expedient to simply not talk about abortion if you feel it’s going to alienate potential moderate voters, but to speak pro-choice democrat talking points is a big mistake politically. I don’t believe silence is the answer either though, as the courageous and right thing would be to hand up for life regardless if it’s politically popular at the time or not. Stop with the stupid talk of advocating pro-choice principles because “we have to win elections.” Megan Basham rightly responded to Trump’s comment:

This is not only an immoral statement, it’s bad politics. The pro-abortion part of the populace, who measure freedom in their ability to kill their offspring, will not be placated by this. But it will sufficiently demoralize the pro-life base to either stay home or vote without enthusiasm. And the enthusiasm gap matters very much.” 

Trump either believes that pro-life voters will vote for him no matter what, or he believes that he no longer needs their vote. Whatever is going on in his mind, with him doubling down repetitively with pro-choice comments, he’s practically daring pro-life voters not to show up on election day. In the past, Republicans have been willing to stand against Trump when they disagreed with him or his antics, whereas Democrats often follow everything the Biden / Harris administration say as if they were in a cult. Yet many republicans are eerily silent on this matter now, and even worse, many spiritual leaders are not saying a word. Just as @MegBasham has rightly called out those who have sold their ministry influence to a leftist agenda in her book Shepherds for Sale, many conservative pastors have likewise sacrificed their speech for life for silence in deference to the MAGA idol instead of fearing God and standing up for righteousness. The fear of man and the fear of losing an election is a snare. I know of several pastors who once said they would never vote for a pro-choice president regardless of party, now gearing up to vote for a now pro-choice candidate and encouraging others to do likewise. We can't afford to compromise on life. I hope JD Vance as his Vice President pick is at least privately letting Trump know that he is making a mistake and encouraging him to correct course. Everyone else should be publicly pressuring Trump to repent and to stand for life. Maybe they will eventually, but the time is expedient now for religious leaders that have any influence with Trump directly or indirectly to speak out for life and being willing to condemn Trump’s pro-choice statements. Spiritual leaders such as Franklin Graham, Jack Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Jack Hibbs should speak up. Trump fans that are involved in political activist work such as Charlie Kirk should speak up and not just turn a blind eye when it’s Trump that is the one making pro-abortion related comments. Trump is the first Republican candidate to support both abortion and homosexual marriage. All pro-life leaders should speak up. We don’t need this to become the norm for the Republican party. Don’t blame the now reluctant voter, but rather call for action from Trump to return to a pro-life platform that he once championed in agreement with the voters.

Yes, Trump is right, that the Kamala Harris / Tim Walz administration is the most radical liberal presidential ticket in our history, even skipping socialist to outright communistic policies. That’s why he knows many Christians will vote for him regardless of his now pro-choice stance, but I think he greatly underestimates how many votes he will lose. The radicalness of another party does not mean we should sacrifice our principles of life that bring stability to this country. I’m not saying don’t vote for Trump, yet I’m reluctant to enthusiastically say do vote for Trump as well. I am saying you should be calling on him and his campaign to reject their pro-choice position and stand for life, or the Republican Party will simply be an alternative pro-death party. Silence is complicity.

In agreement with Mike Pence, I quote “Republicans should embrace the language of life, not the language of those who support abortion on demand. The pro-life movement must stand with the vulnerable, the mothers and the babies. We must never accept retreat on the fight for life.


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